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Writer's pictureClarke Wallace

We’ve done it again. Rosanne and I

took one look at her and we both

were all but teary-eyed.

It’s about the German shepherd or

‘sheepdog’ as some call them, we

saw for sale among seven other pups

of the same breed.

Was it how she looked at us, sitting with

her head tilted to one side, or did we

catch what we took for a smile on

her face?

Author’s comment: There’s one other

question. Did we pick her or did she

pick us?

Writer's pictureClarke Wallace

It’s a good question. I can’t even remember

why I started a weekly blog away back, other

than thinking I had something to say.

Was it worth saying? I like to think so.

But then I have to ask myself, ‘who cares

what I think?’

I receive a few comments from time to time.

The most satisfying among them are those

who tell me, ‘keep up the good work’.

You could count these on one hand.

Maybe two hands.

Writer’s comment: What I should hope for

is whatever I write might get the response:

That would make my day.

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